What To Expect From A Voice Over Agent

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What To Expect From A Voice Over Agent


Searching for and securing representation from a voice talent agent is usually on the top of a voice actors to-do list. Having an agent does simplify some aspects of a voice acting career, however, being contracted by one is not an easy process and many people who are very talented do not have representation for a variety of reasons.

Voice talent agents and agencies who represent voice talents are usually located in cities known as hotbeds for voice over work like Los Angeles and New York among other high profile cities. While New York City and LA may be loaded with opportunities and perceived as well-connected to lucrative voice work, there are other markets to consider where representation by an agent is concerned. Some agents as noted above prefer to work in major markets. Some choose to a representative talent by state, regionally or even locally, depending on their preference and business goals.

There are agents who specifically represent voice actors and some who have voice actors on their roster of talent which may include actors, models, singers, and other performers. Now, cracking the nut on how to get a voice over agent. Most agents are inaccessible by email or phone due to the volume of applications they receive on a daily basis and prefer be contacted by snail-mail (the postal service) instead. Research how agents prefer to be contacted before doing so. Some appreciates receiving a brief letter asking if you can submit something to them before you send your package. If they are interested in taking on new talent for their roster, they will give you instructions or a go ahead to send your package. Showing courtesy to the agent and their staff makes a big difference when you are trying to establish a relationship. If you have the go ahead, you can send a package promoting your voice over talent.

An agent will expect a package from you containing a short cover letter, resume, references, headshot (yes, even for voice over) and a CD of your voice over demo. Agents have individual preferences while some like receiving packages that stand out, others are not particularly concerned with the packaging. Make sure that your packaging is professional looking though and properly addressed. Be sure that what you send is a package a secretary or other staff member would feel comfortable passing on to the agent because the agent may not be the person who receives and opens your package. If the package looks tattered, poorly labeled or addressed incorrectly, they may see it as non-professional and throw it out to save their boss some time; at least this is how some may see it. A busy agent will only have time to listen to about 5 to 10 seconds of the demo, so it had better be your best material as you will not be in the room to tell them to "skip to track 2". Some are more generous with their time, but these agents are few and far between.

Keep in mind that while an agent may not want to take you on at this time it does not mean that they will not in the future. You can always re-submit your demo package in a few months. It's all about selection, not rejection. You might get a call back and potentially an offer from the agent along with a contractual agreement with the agency if they like what they hear. Now, this is where things become as clear as mud. Contracts from agents are usually a mixture of legal terminology and a bunch of places to leave your signature. They can be very confusing as the contracts are not necessarily scribed in layman terms or self-explanatory. It's critical that you understand what is being required of you when signing with an agent otherwise you could literally be "signaling away" some of the freedoms you currently enjoy as a freelance voice actor so if you get an interview with an agent be sure to read your contract thoroughly and ask lots of questions.


Source by Stephanie Adrianne Ciccarelli

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