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Voiceover Directory

Directorio Indizze

Hoy en día es complicado encontrar un buen directorio de empresas que reúna muchas condiciones y sea adecuado para las pymes. En nuestra agencia de locutores profesionales estamos muy agradecidos a Indizze. Fue una suerte para nosotros encontrarnos con Indizze cuando comenzamos nuestra andadura con nuestra agencia. Lo primero de todo es que era gratuita y lo sigue siendo. El…

Voice Over Microphones – How to Choose the Best One For You and Your Budget

[ad_1] The biggest mistake voice over artists make — and that includes some professionals — is using the wrong microphone. It can wreck your work. If you market yourself on or, the wrong microphone will insure you don’t get hired, or if you do, that you won’t get hired by that same person again. Here we’ll look at…

Augmented Reality Branding Agency – Top Ideas to Offer a Good Augmented Reality Experience

[ad_1] Communication, and mainly voice communication is the most important thing that defines a society. Ever since the language start developing ever since its more than 50, 100,000 years ago, humans have been looking for ways to express and interact through the senses to the outer world, creating since the very first step of communication exchange of information between AD…

Tips for Aerial Video Production

[ad_1] The Aerial Video shot is a new trend emerging for creating low-altitude imagery through the use of lightweight, remote-controlled helicopter drones. This technology allows for stunning aerial shots that can be used for various kinds of videos including real estate videos, construction videos, action-sports and films. There are many more uses for aerial filming, but these industries are early…

Avoid Downright Sensationalism, Embrace Upright Authenticity

[ad_1] Sensationalism is downright alive and well in the world and some say say taking society to new lows. Masters at sensationalism are Jerry Springer, professional wrestling, and writers of the Weekly World News proven by headlines over the years: Bigfoot Kept Lumberjack As Love Slave Hillary Clinton Adopts Alien Baby Alien Bible Found! They Worship Oprah! Chimp's Head Put…

How to Assess Content Promotion Performance on Social Media

[ad_1] The whole idea of promoting content on social media is to increase the content’s visibility, generate traffic and thereby increasing the conversion rate. With so much time and resources being spent on promoting the content on these platforms, it becomes imperative to analyse if your promotion strategy is bearing fruits. Brands also need to analyse not only if their…

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