Voice Announcer: Things to Know Before You Get Started in Voice Over

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Voice Announcer: Things to Know Before You Get Started in Voice Over


Are you thinking about taking some training for voice over? While the work of doing voices for commercials and other use is great fun, you need to be aware of some issues before you get started. Here are four ideas for the voice over beginner.

1. "I'll have loads of free time as a voice over artist!"

There is a part of that which might be real for some artists. Before all that free time is going to come to you, you will be spending money on things such as microphones, cables and other equipment to use at home. While you are coming up with all the money for that equipment, you will be forced to use local sound studios and their schedules. For many clients, they will want you to complete the work immediately with little advanced warning, leaving you to scrounge around for an available studio. Please keep your dream of a fancy-free schedule, but stay ready to be always available in the meantime.

2. You will need instruction.

This job, no matter how fun it may seem, is a business. It is also a fun art for you to grow into. No more than you can play concert-level piano without a coach, you will also need guidance to be a voice announcer before you will make any real money at this. Search for a good trainer and read great books about voice over. Find some voice over classes. These resources will take some funds. Like putting money into any new project, this is a way for you to spend money on your future. Make the time to learn voice acting. You might be able to take some of these expenses off on your taxes. Consult with a tax pro in order to know your actual options.

3. Find the ability to laugh at yourself and let things slide.

Are there people in your life that you never agree with- yet you are still friends? They love onion-flavored chips and you crave the sea-salt flavor? They think Rap music is a gift from heaven and you weep with joy at Opera. It is hard to understand how friends can have so many preferences in life. This is exactly how it will be in your freelance job. You have energy, joy, and perfect enunciation. You like the client and they like you as a person. Yet, you still will not get work that was "exactly" what you thought you should get. One client loves your voice and the next one hates it. Some people will not listen past a moment or two of your voice reel. Do not take this to heart or judge the rest of your career on any of these things. Your love of Opera does not make you a better or worse person than your Rap-loving friend. Being passed over for a voice gig does not really reflect on you personally in most cases. Smile at rejection, treat everyone with respect and go to the next audition. Persevere through it all.

4. Prepare for expenses.

Many artists think the world is just going to love everything they say and do. Like any legitimate operation, this launching into a new life requires money. Some small voice-over jobs require just a little equipment and experience. The real jobs with large companies require a studio and lots of coaching. You will determine how fast you learn. If you learn fast, you might see faster income. Or, you might not see any income at all. Welcome to the arts!

As anything worthy in life, it is always good to get fresh ideas and learning. Let others help you discover your greatness. Your fantastic voice might just lead you to new adventures.


Source by Sean Buvala

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